Thais change material for the way of life because new material can make the life more easy and more comfortable when new material come the old material will not be use because new material instead of old material or old material can not be use.
For example in the old time we using cart for going to other place but now we using car and we using mobile phone in talking in difference place instead going to talk to them directly now we using e-mail instead paper letter because of e-mail can send faster than letter mail.
Thais change behavior for the way of life because in the past Thai people work hard and love their culture but now the spread of western culture can make Thai using western culture in the way of life and careless or negligently because western culture make them lazy using more comfortable material such as car and mobile phone.
Thais change mind or ethic for the way of life because of now Thai people more selfish because of the right and be equal from democracy new politic make Thai people can do whatever they want and don’t care more for social.
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